This instruction is for users who may need access to two or more HIPAAtizer accounts while working for multiple covered entities. This instruction cover how to easily switch between different covered entity accounts. For instructions on how to create multiple accounts under one email address, please read our guide on How to add users to your account.

HIPAAtizer allows authorized users to be added to multiple covered entity accounts with a single email address. Each covered entity account may grant different roles and permissions to the same user. For example, you could be a Security Officer in one Covered Entity account and an Assistant in another.

Difference between Main Account and Additional Accounts

Your ‘Main Account’ is the first account that you were invited to (or created) when you first signed up to HIPAAtizer. To access additional accounts you must be invited to each one by a Covered Entity (only the Covered Entity account owner or Security Officer have these credentials), using the same email address associated with your main account. Once you have access to multiple accounts, you can easily switch between them.

How to Switch Between Accounts

  1. Open the ‘My Profile’ Menu: In the top-right corner of the HIPAAtizer dashboard, hover your mouse over My Profile.
  2. View Current Account: At the bottom of the drop-down menu, you’ll see the name of your current account.
  3. Select Another Account: Hover over your current account name. A secondary drop-down menu will appear, listing all other accounts you have access to. Click on the desired account to switch to it.

Identifying Your Current Account

When switching between accounts, your main account will be labelled ‘Main’ and the account you’re currently using will be labelled ‘Active’.

(A) When you switch to another account, a notification bar will appear at the top of your dashboard stating: “You are viewing the forms belonging to [Account Name].”  In this example, the forms belong to the account named “Test”.

(B) There will also be a ‘Switch Back’ button visible within this notification bar.

Switching Back to Your Main Account

To return to your main account:

  • Option 1: Use the ‘My Profile’ menu again, hover over your current account, and select your main account from the list; or.
  • Option 2: Click the ‘Switch Back’ button in the notification bar at the top of your dashboard.

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