HIPAAtizer account owners can enable the automatic creation of a Contact from a form submission. For this, you must enable automatic Contact creation in an existing (or newly created) form.

  1. In the My Forms dashboard, identify the form that you would like to enable automatic Contact creation and click the ‘gear’ icon to access the form’s Form Settings.
  2. Once you have opened Form Settings, click ‘Associate With Contact Settings’ from the list on the left side of the screen, then check the box ‘Enable Associate With Contact Settings’
  3. Upon selecting ‘Enable Associate with Contact Settings’ those Contact fields that can be associated with a form field will be displayed.
  4. Choose which field from the chosen form you would like to associate with a particular Contact field. Contact fields are limited to Email, Company Name, First Name, Last Name, Phone and Fax.

    Email is a required field. If a form does not have an email component, you cannot associate it with a Contact automatically.

    After you have chosen the form fields to associate with your Contact, click ‘Save.’

Accessing or Viewing New Contacts:

Once your patient or client submits a form with ‘Associate with Contact’ automatic Contact creation enabled, in addition to a regular form submission you will also see that a new contact appears in your ‘Contacts’ dashboard.

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