How to submit form change requests Updating forms is a regular occurrence in most health practices. HIPAAtizer provides a free service to edit and update your existing forms. To make the process as smooth as possible, here are some hints and tips to follow! Preparing to submit your request...
Follow the steps below to incorporate a HIPAAtizer form into your Shopify website: Preparing your Shopify page Step 1. Log in and Navigate to Your Store’s Pages: From the dashboard, select “Online Store,” and then choose “Pages.” This is where you’ll find all the pages of your website. Step...
How to create or add “For Internal Use Only” fields Step 1.To make a row “For Internal Use Only”, click on the edit button to open the Settings box: Step 2.Сlick on “Not Visible to External Clients” checkbox and then “Submit”: Step 3.Upon clicking the “Submit” button, a yellow...
This instruction is for users who may need access to two or more HIPAAtizer accounts while working for multiple covered entities. This instruction covers how to easily switch between different covered entity accounts. For instructions on how to create multiple accounts under one email address, please read our guide...
These instructions are for Developers and others operating in “Developer” Mode. To make a form that is in your dashboard HIPAA Compliant and remove the watermark that appears on forms that are in a Developer’s dashboard, a Covered Entity account must be activated with HIPAAtizer and the formsmust be...
While forms can be created in both Developer and Covered Entity accounts, only forms created in Covered Entity accounts are HIPAA Compliant, and only Covered Entity accounts can activate and publish them. Please follow the instructions below to learn how to share forms from a Developer account to a...
HIPAAtizer allows Covered Entities to invite team members to their account for roles such as Security Officer, Assistant, or Developer. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to invite a user and add them to a Covered Entity account. These instructions apply to Covered Entity accounts. If you have a...
HIPAAtizer’s Secure Email allows you to exchange emails and documents containing Protected Health Information (PHI) with your patients and clients. Below you will see instructions on how to use Secure Email. To send a secure email to a patient:
Message templates are a great way to save time when you’re sending many relatively standard messages to patients or clients. Templates can be created in your account’s Profile Settings.
HIPAAtizer account owners can enable the automatic creation of a Contact from a form submission. For this, you must enable automatic Contact creation in an existing (or newly created) form. Accessing or Viewing New Contacts: Once your patient or client submits a form with ‘Associate with Contact’ automatic Contact...